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Django deploy to Heroku

Django on Heroku


If you plan on deploying your django app on heroku, you need to make sure you are using a compatible python version in your project.

The best way to ensure that is to first build you project in a virtual environment using one of these supported python versions :

  • python-3.9.1
  • python-3.8.7
  • python-3.7.9
  • python-3.6.12

You allo need to install Heroku Client to create and manage your Heroku apps directly from the terminal

Create Virtual Environment

Go to you project folder and create a virtual environment named 'venv' using this python command

python -m venv venv

Now if you want to install packages, go inside your virtual environment (venv)


(venv) C:\Users\<username>\MyProject>


Do that every time you need to install a new python package !
Otherwise, the package will be installed globally on your computer

Heroku CLI

The Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) makes it easy to create and manage your Heroku apps directly from the terminal. It’s an essential part of using Heroku.

Download the Heroku Client using the appropriate version here

To verify your CLI installation, use the heroku --version command

c:\> heroku --version
heroku/7.47.9 win32-x64 node-v12.16.2

Now login to connect to your Heroku account :

heroku login
heroku login -i

Complementary Resources