JavaScript is a prototype-based language (whereas Java is class-based language, for instance). ES6 has introduced JavaScript classes which are meant to be a syntactic sugar for prototype-based inheritance and not a new class-based inheritance model (ref).
The word class is indeed error prone if you are familiar with classes in other languages. If you do, avoid assuming how JavaScript classes work on this basis and consider it an entirely different notion.
Since this document is not an attempt to teach you the language from the ground up, I will assume you know what prototypes are and how they behave. If you do not, see the external resources listed below the sample code.
Before ES6, prototype syntax:
With ES6 class syntax:
External resources
For prototype understanding:
- Understanding Prototypes in JS - Yehuda Katz
- A plain English guide to JS prototypes - Sebastian Porto
- Inheritance and the prototype chain - MDN
For classes understanding: